I’ve enjoyed these posts! Over and over i’m struck by how we’ve co-opted this message which was really from pagan Rome that women should be submissive and have babies and raise them to be good little citizens. How crazy! Not that can’t be part of our service as women but our service can and often does include so much more as followers and friends of Christ! Thanks for sharing Thecla’s feast day and story.

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A wonderful note! I had heard about Thecla, but you really brought her to life here. Do you see anyone in Western societies paying a price for following their Christian calling in a way that somehow evokes Thecla? Where I live, people frown and maybe tease you a little when you try to put into practice some of the commitments that come from living a Christian life, but maybe I'm missing out on other, weightier dimensions. Very informative post! Thanks!

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What a great story. Thank you for sharing about someone I knew nothing about!

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