Aug 2Liked by Kelley Mathews

I think creation order has a role in our understanding of Jesus as the Firstfruits of the Resurrection (I Corinthians 15:20-22) but even there, the rights of the eldest are subverted, since he declares us to be heirs with him (Romans 8:17, 29). It would seem the principle of the eldest exists to be subverted in Scripture.

I have been thinking of the firstborn male in light of the Passover and the Mosaic law. In the Law, God declares that because of the events of the Passover in Egypt, all the firstborn males who "open the womb", i.e. first to pass through the birth canal, are holy to him (Exodus 13:2). This gives spiritual significance to Jesus being the firstborn male who opened the womb of Mary (Luke 2:23) - and indeed he is deliberately and pointedly linked to the Passover.

However statistically speaking and for known biological reasons related to vaginal chemistry and sperm strength, most firstborn children who open the matrix are not male, but female. Not all eldest sons are the eldest child. This is true in my immediate family - there are currently three generations where the firstborn child has been female. I have more nephews than nieces, but none of my nephews are eldest children. This presents an interesting question regarding the required monetary redemption of the firstborn in the Law (Exodus 13:12-16) - if a woman had a daughter first and then a son, would the son still need to be redeemed?

*The idea of firstborn is again subverted by the dedication of the Levites, since God takes the males of the tribe of Levi into service to substitute for the firstborn males of all Israel (Numbers 3:39-51, 8:14-19).

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Aug 9Liked by Kelley Mathews

I find it interesting we take translations as inerrant. I believe if one looks at the Hebrew, Eve is named because she is an EQUAL partner. I think somehow that has gotten purposefully ignored. Just because something is practiced, the norm, or preached/taught does not mean it is what God intended. If you look at the life of Jesus you will find women being honored and elevated as never before, or possibly since. If Jesus was the visual aid for God’s mind and heart, possibly we should interpret scripture through the lens of his life and words.

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This is super funny! I read the title and was like, “ glad Kelly is writing on this” bc I think it is so silly, and then I opened it up and read your first sentence 😂😂😂

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LOL! It truly is, and your comments were gold.

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Aug 7Liked by Kelley Mathews

I think the creation order matters, but I also agree that subversion is key to understanding the meaning of that order. Based on recent study of the Gospel of John, I would add inversion as key to the meaning of the creation order of male and female. John knows nothing of hierarchical gender relations, his gospel is pervasively rooted in Genesis 1-3, and his emphatic highlighting of gender repeatedly surprises with reversals of expected gender stereotypes. I love your connection to Jesus’ words about the last being first, which suggests a connection to the typology of Eve’s creation, who, rather than merely being second, is more so the typological pointer to the final end for God’s people in heavenly rest, the Groom with his bridal city. Significantly, it is only with the help of female interpreters that I have started to see all this more clearly.

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Women in the Bible fascinate me. I read Beth Allison Barr's book. I need to reread it.

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Jesus was the first fruit of the resurrection but he was not created first (not created at all). I like your summary statement that the principle of the eldest exists to be subverted in Scripture. Lots of parallels to exodus, yes!

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Aug 3Liked by Kelley Mathews

Oh, I did not mean Jesus was created. It is rather that Adam being the first human then helps explain to us humans how Jesus being the second Adam brings us forgiveness of sins and eternal life, as Paul says in Romans 5:12-19.

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Thanks for that. I wanted to clarify for other readers, just in case. Regarding men/women issues, I think creation order is a non-issue in Scripture. Too many exceptions to then rule that some insert into the text. Again, thank you for reading and engaging!

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In reading Adam's exclamation about the woman being "bone of bone; flesh of flesh," I was struck today about the language used in the Nicene Creed to describe Jesus' equality with the Father..."God of God; Light of Light."

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Excellent connection! I wonder if the scholars putting words to the creed were echoing Adam's words to illustrate the oneness.

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Adam was not created first.Animals were and each were more complex than the previous so obviously woman was the peak of creation. Honestly at 67 and seeing the same ridiculous arguments recycled over and over- why we go to church and leave before sermons.

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